Plenty-Bio is a cost Controller and Profit Gainer.
Selective probiotics and enzymes added with natural organic
stimulants. Lactic acid producing probiotic strains produces
various biologically active compounds such as antimicrobial
substances (Bacteriocins, reuterin and nisin etc.) and other
important bioactive molecules like short chain volatile fatty
acids, organic acids etc., these molecules are most important in
controlling various types of pathogens with different mode of
actions. In addition, the LAB strains can produce many growth
promoting nutrients like Vitamins, enzymes, amino acids etc.
These molecules will play an important role in animal's growth
by involves in their regular metabolisms. "PLENTY-BIO" is a
biologically formulation acts as a disease preventer,
immunomodulator, feed cost saver, growth promoter & performance
It works as a disease preventer, FCR improver and Performance
enhancer As a substitute of AGP's and antibiotics in the feed
formulation .
It is having strong antimicrobial properties, works against
known and unknown infections/diseases in poultry
It improves gut health, also it effectively works against gut
pathogens like- E. coli, Salmonella sp. etc.
It controls the proliferation of pathogens and its adverse
effects in the gut It improves feed digestion and nutrient
absorption It saves the feed cost and increase the body weight
rapidly in commercial broilers Helps to improve meat quality and
the carcass yield.
It optimizes egg production with better egg quality in
commercial layers and breeders.
Improves survival rate and reduces mortality.
It helps to minimise the usage of AGP's and antibiotics in
poultry industry.
Contact us
Basement Hotel
Smart Inn,Rajguru Market,Near Bus Stand,Panipat-132103